RBI Vaccine and mRNA Bulk Drug Manufacturing Expansion
Resilience Biotechnologies Inc.
Mississauga, ON
150,000 sf
Delivery Method
Construction Management
Resilience Biotechnologies Inc. (RBI), a centre of excellence for contract manufacturing of biologics and vaccines, is expanding the Meadowpine facility in Mississauga, ON to include the addition of approximately 150,000 sf of GMP manufacturing, utilities, and support spaces. Manufacturing areas incorporate both cell culture and mRNA capabilities, with the project being delivered as part of the Canadian Government under the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP). The design includes multiple equipment trains and suites for Mammalian Cell Culture (MCC), Upstream Process (USP), Downstream Process (DSP), and Formulation, to support the manufacture of Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) and related therapeutic proteins. The MCC area has the capability to handle Biosafety Level 2 (BSL2) manufacturing, as well as BSL1. The design also includes both in-vitro transcription and formulation of the mRNA bulk drug. The expansion incorporates all black and clean utilities dedicated for the expansion, in addition to technical support spaces, utility areas, process support space (including buffer / media preparation and hold areas), and integration of the expansion with the existing building operation.
The Project Scope consists of a Site Plan Agreement preparation with the City of Mississauga, site master planning with RBI, as well as design and pre-construction support. Project work is on-going, with the scope of services including project management (concept design phase), owner’s representation, design, scheduling, cost peer review, constructability assessments, project execution strategy, construction plan, and construction services.